Friday, September 4, 2009

where is the dircetor?

* - CarmenLimKahMun <3 says:
no . it's embrassing .

* - CarmenLimKahMun <3 says:
i want to cover my face

* - CarmenLimKahMun <3 says:
then dig a hole and stuff my head inside

* - CarmenLimKahMun <3 says:

- cyитнιа ♥ - моѕcнιио cоuтuяе. says:
hahaha, go get a mask then =p

- cyитнιа ♥ - моѕcнιио cоuтuяе. says:
LOL! like shufflers ar? XD

* - CarmenLimKahMun <3 says:
mask and shuffler ?

* - CarmenLimKahMun <3 says:
huh ?

- cyитнιа ♥ - моѕcнιио cоuтuяе. says:
.... take a mask and cover your face

- cyитнιа ♥ - моѕcнιио cоuтuяе. says:
ostrich = the legs like those shufflers XD

* - CarmenLimKahMun <3 says:

Hello Cynthia's readers ,

I'm here to hack her blog and she knows it , wtf.
I feel kinda weird to praised her in her blog :D

She's a really good listener
and I still remember that we've been through so many things together.
We're there for each other when we are facing the worst.
Although she doesn't know how to cheer people up -.-'
She's still there to listen to everything :D

Still clearly remember that ,
The heartbreaking sessions that we've been through.
It's awful and hurting but still we tried so much to
cheer each other when both of us are dying inside.

Babe ,
thanks for every post you have posted for me.
It was really touching and course it make me feel better.

I love you : )

Who am I ?

Carmen Lim Kah Mun ♥